A culturist double negative – Madrassa ex-Principal Sues School System

Reprinted from Culturism, a culturist blog by John Kenneth Press,  the author of “Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future.”

Think of children throwing rocks at Western aligned soldiers, and Debbie Almontaser should come to mind. Almontaser is the ex-near Principal of the Khalil Gibran International Academy (a newly opened arabic language and culture school in New York). She is suing the New York school system for discrimination. She lost the chance to lead American children because the public did not buy her claim that the “Intifada” on the T-shirts she was selling stood for generic struggle against injustice without reference to any particular situation. We know the Indifda was a specific Palistinian uprising which sent children to throw stones at Israeli soldiers.

Culturism is leery of metaphysical concepts. The claim that intifada or any term refers to a generic sense of struggle should raise doubts. In reality, there are sides. In general there is a Muslim side and a Western side. Over there, the Western outpost is Israel. Only Western leaders want to be fair and impartial brokers. The pose of neutrality is suspect. In war it is dangerous. Intifada should cease to be generic when a rock hits your head.

The first negative concerning Debbie Almontaser is the idea that we should have “international” academies in our public school system. Schools, in all cultures and all times outside of the modern West, have been for teaching the youth about the culture into which they were born. We are not a neutral space. We should not confuse Western culture with universal culture. We have a specific culture to teach and so should teach it. Arab culture schools belong in Arab countries. International schools belong nowhere.

The second negative coming from Ms. Almontaser is suing the school system. Culturism wants to contextualize individualism. Culturism’s definition includes the precept that the perpetuation of the majority culture should be a legitimate policy consideration. If destruction Debbie gets her way, she will be enriched. The money she receives will have to be drained from the public school system and childrens’ educations. Culturism shows that individuals live in a cultural context. Culturism contextualizes individualism. The judge should be allowed to consider the fiscal sustainability of the public school system, a culturist value, when adjudicating. Just the fact that she would assert her individual “rights” at the expense of the school system should disqualifier her from being a steward in the public school system.

Ms. Almontaser’s intifada is not neutral, it is destructive of our national and institutional sustainability. Ms. Almontaser either has no culturist awareness or has too much and is on the wrong side. Her first concern is not the bolstering of Western civilization here or abroad. Her first concern is not the health of the public schools or the children in it. Destruction Debbie is a one woman intifada against public schools and America. She is a double negative. Intifada is a foreign word of hatred for a Western outpost. Intifada is not neutral and neither is culturism. We cannot be the only non-culturist civilization and survive. We need to prioritize the survival of our institutions and civilization. If you do not hold pro-American principles, you should not be an American principal.

Get active at https://stopthemadrassa.wordpress.com/


Almontaser Must Rescind False and Defamatory Accusations



November 27 2007, New York — Citizens for American Values in Public Education and Stop the Madrassa announced today that Stop the Madrassa attorneys have formally demanded retraction of spurious public statements made by Dhabbah “Debbie” Almontaser falsely claiming that Stop the Madrassa members have engaged instalking” of the former KGIA principal-designate.

The false and defamatory statements by Ms. Almontaser have been published by several news outlets, including the New York Times (see, http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/16/principal-of-citys-arabic-school-says-she-was-forced-out/). STM’s attorneys asserted today that Almontaser’s accusation is an “unadulterated lie,” accusing STM members of a criminal offense in the state of New York (see, e.g., New York Penal Code § 120.50). The STM attorneys go on to point out that such a false public accusation is defamation per se, and that “this blatant lie has now been repeated” by Ms. Almontaser’s attorney in the federal lawsuit recently filed on behalf of Ms. Almontaser.

In recent months, Citizens for American Values in Public Education, has stepped up its calls for closure of KGIA, as well as expanding its fight nationwide to halt the imposition of radical Islamist agendas in curricula, Arab language programs, history classes, textbooks, teacher training, and charter schools.

Stop the Madrassa and Citizens for American Values in Public Education are calling on all Americans to stand in solidarity with those using their First Amendment rights to speak out responsibly about their concerns regarding the growth of stealth radical Islamism quickly moving throughout our country and particularly in our American schools.

Islamist Ex-Principal Of Khalil Gibran International Academy, Dhabah Almontaser Sues New York School District

[The following article by William Mayer and Beila Rabinowitz is reprinted from PipelineNews.org]

By William Mayer and Beila Rabinowitz

November 20, 2007 – San Francisco, CA – PipeLineNews.org – In a long anticipated move, Dhabah Almontaser has brought a federal lawsuit against the New York Department of Education, its chancellor Joel Klein and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, alleging a conspiracy “to deny her the opportunity to regain her position as principal” at the institution she founded, Brooklyn’s embattled madrassah, the Khalil Gibran International Academy [KGIA].

Setting the stage for the lawsuit, during the week of October 14, Almontaser engaged in the kind of shrill, factually incorrect histrionics that have become the norm among supporters of KGIA:

“Leading the attack was the Stop the Madrassa Coalition run by Daniel Pipes, who has made his career fostering hatred of Arabs and Muslims…The coalition conducted a smear campaign against me and the school that was ferocious. Members of the coalition stalked me wherever I went and verbally assaulted me with vicious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim comments. They suggested that, as an observant Muslim, I was disqualified from leading KGIA, even though the school is rigorously secular, and its namesake, Khalil Gibran, was a Lebanese Christian. To stir up anti-Arab prejudice they constantly referred to me by my Arabic name, a name that I do not use professionally. They even created and circulated a YouTube clip depicting me as a radical Islamist.”

Dr. Daniel Pipes does not run the Stop the Madrassa Coalition; and the group, actually an ad-hoc committee of concerned parents and citizens who became alarmed at the prospect of a thinly disguised, publicly funded madrassah operating under the guise of a public school, has sought counsel from dozens of experts on Middle East affairs and related issues.

There has been no need to employ “smear tactics” against Almontaser, whose actions and long history of questionable public pronouncements are in themselves indicative of her unsuitability to serve as a principal anywhere in public education.

For example:

Almontaser has been honored by CAIR, recently named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding prosecution.

“At a 2005 fundraiser for The Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] Almontaser received an award together with Ghazi Khankan [former director of NY CAIR].

During a political rally Khankan shouted to the crowd “I bring you salaams and greetings from the Mujahideen of CAIR!”

Perhaps Mr. Khankan’s record of pro-Islamist statements might provide enlightenment on that question: [PLN source, C.W. Post Caves To CAIR, Hit With Multi-Million Dollar Discrimination Lawsuit, [PLN source, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cwpost21207%2Ehtm%5D

“Khankan has declared that “‘Jihad’ is known in the West as waging holy war, which is utter nonsense.” Yet, at an anti-war rally held in Washington, D.C., where a previous speaker “called for the overthrow of the U.S. government,” Khankan addressed the protesters by stating, “I bring you salaams and greetings from the Mujahadeen at CAIR.” In Yossef Bodansky’s book, BIN LADEN: THE MAN WHO DECLARED WAR ON AMERICA, Mujahadeen is defined as “Those who wage the jihad; Islam’s holy warriors.” At another anti-war rally, Khankan was a featured speaker along with Sami Al Arian…After 9/11 he told ABC News that the attacks were America’s own fault stating: “I believe that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Look what our government has done overseas to other countries.”

Almontaser is a 9/11 denier:

The Yemeni born Almontaser wears a hijab – a conspicuous outward sign of devotion to Islam – and has spent years acting as a Muslim apologist in the public schools. She began doing this immediately after 9/11 because she believes that Muslims were the real casualties of those attacks and have since suffered inordinate discrimination and fear because of it.

Almontaser’s statements post 9/11 reflect a Muslim-centric viewpoint of victimhood and resentment which will be the sentiment that will be the operative ethic of the Khalil Gibran school.

Through her da’wa outreach work in the NY school system Almontaser has functioned as a 9/11 denier, having taken advantage of her created position as an authority figure to engage in a campaign of disinformation.

Speaking to a group of impressionable sixth grade children in Brooklyn’s PS 51 Almontaser stated, “I don’t recognize the people who committed the attacks as either Arabs or Muslims.”

The least one can expect from a professional educator is an approximation of truth and to allege that those who carried out and planned 9/11 were not Muslim Arabs is spectacularly untrue.”

[PLN source, Khalil Gibran School – A Jihad Grows in Brooklyn, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=jihadschool41207%2Ehtm%5D

Almontaser blames the United States for 9/11 and likens the political atmosphere in the U.S. to that of a Soviet gulag where a lawless FBI has invaded neighborhoods, using Arab speaking informants to facilitate the carting off of innocent Muslims.

Almontaser’s mindset is confrontational and preaches a cult of Arab/Muslim victimhood, all of which will be reflected in KGIA. She is also opposed to the use of Arab speaking informants to stop potential domestic terror plots before they happen, hence the Arabic speakers that KGIA might graduate will not be available, because of Almontaser’s philosophical predisposition – for legitimate national security operations.

Adding further to Almontaser’s leftist credentials is the above referenced, below excerpted interview published by the Norwegian branch of Amnesty International on October 10, 2002. Her statements in this interview are shockingly extreme, having more in common with the ideology of the 9/11 hijackers than not.

The complete interview may be viewed at [http://www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/ac1a1a01ea7194a3c1256a07004fad10/ffac5a3601aba908c1256c3d004ef7c5?OpenDocument].

“President Bush is trying to destroy the United States that I love and of which I am a result. He has abandoned our forefather’s ideals of a society of freedom; democracy and pluralism build by immigrants. He is a nightmare.””We are in favor of combating terror, but that cannot be done by violating fundamental human rights, says Debbie Almontaser (37). – After the terror attacks last year our government has put aside our civil rights and it is particularly Muslim, Arab-American and South Asian families that suffer under this.”“I would love to see a peace-loving country as Norway calling the USA to the carpet, telling that enough is enough. I would like to see Norway taking the risk demanding that USA stops the killings, spreading suffering, emergency and fear in countries as Afghanistan, Iraq, Venezuela and Sudan, she says. – I would like to see Norway show its guts in the Security Council and protest against unfair and racist policies. Stop the sanctions against Iraq; can’t you see that it is the civil population that suffers?”“This is my South Asian neighborhood; Debbie says proud and continues in a more serious manner. – About 80 people were arrested here just after September 11 last year, no one knows why. And they still observe us, a little while ago the FBI infiltrated our community, people speaking Arabic were spying on us. That has lead to new detentions.”

“The harassment has decreased. – The tendency in New York is that people embrace their Muslim and Arab neighbors. However, the same cannot be said about the American government’s policy, that fuels up under prejudice and mistrust towards every person with origin in the Middle East or Southeast Asia, Debbie thinks.”

“Earlier you could be arrested for being black and driving a car, now it has become a crime to fly when you are brown. I believe a lot of Arab Americans have realized that we are in the same boat as the black Americans; we must learn from their experiences and struggle against racism. I have realized that our foreign policy is racist; in the “war against terror” people of color are the target.”

Why do you think terrorists attacked the USA?

“A year ago I could not answer such a question. To me it was just impossible to comprehend how someone could do such terrible, totally sick atrocities. Many said they were not surprised that terrorists attacked the US. That hurt me deeply. Today I believe that the terrorist attacks can have been triggered by the way the USA breaks its promises with countries across the world, especially in the Middle East and the fact that it has not been a fair mediator with its foreign policy. It is not true that the people in the Middle East and Southeast Asia hate our lifestyle, our freedom and our democracy. What disturbs them is that we in order to secure our own well being, deprive them of the possibility of achieving the same high living standard and freedom of choice that we have in the western world. Terror is the last resource of a desperate and oppressed people, but that does not mean that it is acceptable. People who do terrorist acts have lost the sense of right and wrong, each individual committing such acts should be punished with the maximum extent of the law. Only Allah is entitled to take lives.

[PLN source, The Dangerous Leftism Of Dhabah Almontaser, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=almontaser41907%2Ehtm%5D

Almontaser opposes use of Arabic speaking informants in domestic terror cases.

As head of KGIA Ms. Almontaser will oppose using the Arabic language skill acquired there to inform on and break up domestic terror plots and staff key national security institutions.

“a little while ago the FBI infiltrated our community, people speaking Arabic were spying on us. That has lead to new detentions.”

Ms. Almontaser decried the prosecution and conviction of domestic terrorist Shahawar Matin Siraj in a plot to bomb the 34th Street Subway station in New York, on the grounds of it reeking of “FBI tactics,” her code phrase for using Arabic speaking undercover agents. [PLN source, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=jihadschool41807%2Ehtm%5D”

The origin of video clip to which Ms. Almontaser refers had nothing to do with the Stop the Madrassa Coalition or Dr. Pipes; it was created expressly for PipeLineNews.org LLC, and, far from engaging in verbal assaults and “vicious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim comments,” it merely airs Almontaser’s controversial views on matters of public importance. If they are considered damning, then it’s hardly fair to blame the messenger.

We believe that Ms. Almontaser’s actions and statements attest to the fact that she is unqualified to serve in any capacity of leadership in New York’s public schools. If there was any remaining doubt, Almontaser’s most recent action, bringing this tainted federal lawsuit against her current employer, should remove it because it proves she is far more interested in serving as a part of the Islamist stealth jihad, than educating New York City’s children.

©1999-2007 PipeLineNews.org LLC, William Mayer, Beila Rabinowitz, all rights reserved.


Islamist Ex-Principal Of Khalil Gibran International Academy, Dhabah Almontaser Sues New York School District

By William Mayer and Beila Rabinowitz

November 20, 2007 – San Francisco, CA – PipeLineNews.org – In a long anticipated move, Dhabah Almontaser has brought a federal lawsuit against the New York Department of Education, its chancellor Joel Klein and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, alleging a conspiracy “to deny her the opportunity to regain her position as principal” at the institution she founded, Brooklyn’s embattled madrassah, the Khalil Gibran International Academy [KGIA].

Setting the stage for the lawsuit, during the week of October 14, Almontaser engaged in the kind of shrill, factually incorrect histrionics that have become the norm among supporters of KGIA:

“Leading the attack was the Stop the Madrassa Coalition run by Daniel Pipes, who has made his career fostering hatred of Arabs and Muslims…The coalition conducted a smear campaign against me and the school that was ferocious. Members of the coalition stalked me wherever I went and verbally assaulted me with vicious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim comments. They suggested that, as an observant Muslim, I was disqualified from leading KGIA, even though the school is rigorously secular, and its namesake, Khalil Gibran, was a Lebanese Christian. To stir up anti-Arab prejudice they constantly referred to me by my Arabic name, a name that I do not use professionally. They even created and circulated a YouTube clip depicting me as a radical Islamist.”

Dr. Daniel Pipes does not run the Stop the Madrassa Coalition; and the group, actually an ad-hoc committee of concerned parents and citizens who became alarmed at the prospect of a thinly disguised, publicly funded madrassah operating under the guise of a public school, has sought counsel from dozens of experts on Middle East affairs and related issues.

There has been no need to employ “smear tactics” against Almontaser, whose actions and long history of questionable public pronouncements are in themselves indicative of her unsuitability to serve as a principal anywhere in public education.

For example:

Almontaser has been honored by CAIR, recently named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding prosecution.

“At a 2005 fundraiser for The Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] Almontaser received an award together with Ghazi Khankan [former director of NY CAIR].

During a political rally Khankan shouted to the crowd “I bring you salaams and greetings from the Mujahideen of CAIR!”

Perhaps Mr. Khankan’s record of pro-Islamist statements might provide enlightenment on that question: [PLN source, C.W. Post Caves To CAIR, Hit With Multi-Million Dollar Discrimination Lawsuit, [PLN source, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cwpost21207%2Ehtm%5D

“Khankan has declared that “‘Jihad’ is known in the West as waging holy war, which is utter nonsense.” Yet, at an anti-war rally held in Washington, D.C., where a previous speaker “called for the overthrow of the U.S. government,” Khankan addressed the protesters by stating, “I bring you salaams and greetings from the Mujahadeen at CAIR.” In Yossef Bodansky’s book, BIN LADEN: THE MAN WHO DECLARED WAR ON AMERICA, Mujahadeen is defined as “Those who wage the jihad; Islam’s holy warriors.” At another anti-war rally, Khankan was a featured speaker along with Sami Al Arian…After 9/11 he told ABC News that the attacks were America’s own fault stating: “I believe that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Look what our government has done overseas to other countries.”

Almontaser is a 9/11 denier:

The Yemeni born Almontaser wears a hijab – a conspicuous outward sign of devotion to Islam – and has spent years acting as a Muslim apologist in the public schools. She began doing this immediately after 9/11 because she believes that Muslims were the real casualties of those attacks and have since suffered inordinate discrimination and fear because of it.

Almontaser’s statements post 9/11 reflect a Muslim-centric viewpoint of victimhood and resentment which will be the sentiment that will be the operative ethic of the Khalil Gibran school.

Through her da’wa outreach work in the NY school system Almontaser has functioned as a 9/11 denier, having taken advantage of her created position as an authority figure to engage in a campaign of disinformation.

Speaking to a group of impressionable sixth grade children in Brooklyn’s PS 51 Almontaser stated, “I don’t recognize the people who committed the attacks as either Arabs or Muslims.”

The least one can expect from a professional educator is an approximation of truth and to allege that those who carried out and planned 9/11 were not Muslim Arabs is spectacularly untrue.”

[PLN source, Khalil Gibran School – A Jihad Grows in Brooklyn, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=jihadschool41207%2Ehtm%5D

Almontaser blames the United States for 9/11 and likens the political atmosphere in the U.S. to that of a Soviet gulag where a lawless FBI has invaded neighborhoods, using Arab speaking informants to facilitate the carting off of innocent Muslims.

Almontaser’s mindset is confrontational and preaches a cult of Arab/Muslim victimhood, all of which will be reflected in KGIA. She is also opposed to the use of Arab speaking informants to stop potential domestic terror plots before they happen, hence the Arabic speakers that KGIA might graduate will not be available, because of Almontaser’s philosophical predisposition – for legitimate national security operations.

Adding further to Almontaser’s leftist credentials is the above referenced, below excerpted interview published by the Norwegian branch of Amnesty International on October 10, 2002. Her statements in this interview are shockingly extreme, having more in common with the ideology of the 9/11 hijackers than not.

The complete interview may be viewed at [http://www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/ac1a1a01ea7194a3c1256a07004fad10/ffac5a3601aba908c1256c3d004ef7c5?OpenDocument].

“President Bush is trying to destroy the United States that I love and of which I am a result. He has abandoned our forefather’s ideals of a society of freedom; democracy and pluralism build by immigrants. He is a nightmare.””We are in favor of combating terror, but that cannot be done by violating fundamental human rights, says Debbie Almontaser (37). – After the terror attacks last year our government has put aside our civil rights and it is particularly Muslim, Arab-American and South Asian families that suffer under this.”“I would love to see a peace-loving country as Norway calling the USA to the carpet, telling that enough is enough. I would like to see Norway taking the risk demanding that USA stops the killings, spreading suffering, emergency and fear in countries as Afghanistan, Iraq, Venezuela and Sudan, she says. – I would like to see Norway show its guts in the Security Council and protest against unfair and racist policies. Stop the sanctions against Iraq; can’t you see that it is the civil population that suffers?”“This is my South Asian neighborhood; Debbie says proud and continues in a more serious manner. – About 80 people were arrested here just after September 11 last year, no one knows why. And they still observe us, a little while ago the FBI infiltrated our community, people speaking Arabic were spying on us. That has lead to new detentions.”

“The harassment has decreased. – The tendency in New York is that people embrace their Muslim and Arab neighbors. However, the same cannot be said about the American government’s policy, that fuels up under prejudice and mistrust towards every person with origin in the Middle East or Southeast Asia, Debbie thinks.”

“Earlier you could be arrested for being black and driving a car, now it has become a crime to fly when you are brown. I believe a lot of Arab Americans have realized that we are in the same boat as the black Americans; we must learn from their experiences and struggle against racism. I have realized that our foreign policy is racist; in the “war against terror” people of color are the target.”

Why do you think terrorists attacked the USA?

“A year ago I could not answer such a question. To me it was just impossible to comprehend how someone could do such terrible, totally sick atrocities. Many said they were not surprised that terrorists attacked the US. That hurt me deeply. Today I believe that the terrorist attacks can have been triggered by the way the USA breaks its promises with countries across the world, especially in the Middle East and the fact that it has not been a fair mediator with its foreign policy. It is not true that the people in the Middle East and Southeast Asia hate our lifestyle, our freedom and our democracy. What disturbs them is that we in order to secure our own well being, deprive them of the possibility of achieving the same high living standard and freedom of choice that we have in the western world. Terror is the last resource of a desperate and oppressed people, but that does not mean that it is acceptable. People who do terrorist acts have lost the sense of right and wrong, each individual committing such acts should be punished with the maximum extent of the law. Only Allah is entitled to take lives.

[PLN source, The Dangerous Leftism Of Dhabah Almontaser, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=almontaser41907%2Ehtm%5D

Almontaser opposes use of Arabic speaking informants in domestic terror cases.

As head of KGIA Ms. Almontaser will oppose using the Arabic language skill acquired there to inform on and break up domestic terror plots and staff key national security institutions.

“a little while ago the FBI infiltrated our community, people speaking Arabic were spying on us. That has lead to new detentions.”

Ms. Almontaser decried the prosecution and conviction of domestic terrorist Shahawar Matin Siraj in a plot to bomb the 34th Street Subway station in New York, on the grounds of it reeking of “FBI tactics,” her code phrase for using Arabic speaking undercover agents. [PLN source, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=jihadschool41807%2Ehtm%5D”

The origin of video clip to which Ms. Almontaser refers had nothing to do with the Stop the Madrassa Coalition or Dr. Pipes; it was created expressly for PipeLineNews.org LLC, and, far from engaging in verbal assaults and “vicious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim comments,” it merely airs Almontaser’s controversial views on matters of public importance. If they are considered damning, then it’s hardly fair to blame the messenger.

We believe that Ms. Almontaser’s actions and statements attest to the fact that she is unqualified to serve in any capacity of leadership in New York’s public schools. If there was any remaining doubt, Almontaser’s most recent action, bringing this tainted federal lawsuit against her current employer, should remove it because it proves she is far more interested in serving as a part of the Islamist stealth jihad, than educating New York City’s children.

©1999-2007 PipeLineNews.org LLC, William Mayer, Beila Rabinowitz, all rights reserved.


The Soft Jihad Comes to Brooklyn

[The following article by Aryeh Spero is reprinted from Human Events.]

The Soft Jihad Comes To Brooklyn

By Aryeh Spero

In Brooklyn, New York, a public school named the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) has opened. Its primary purpose — demonstrated by its advisory board, its apparent curriculum and the lining of school walls with pictures of Arab figures and heroes, appears to be is to teach Arabic and Muslim language and culture as well as  to inculcate the children with Islamist ideology.

One of the school’s more notorious public supporters is convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. The school’s advisory board includes several imams, one of whom has displayed the Muslim Brotherhood slogan on his mosque’s website: “Jihad is our way, and death in the way of Allah is our promised end.”

A spokesperson for the school speaks not of the duties of American citizenship but the aspiration towards “global” citizenship. Perhaps that is why this public school, unlike P.S. 132, calls itself an “international academy.”

Many New Yorkers are appalled that taxpayer money is being used to finance a public school whose purpose will likely advance the Islamic religion and Islamist ethnic identity. Three local parents, two of whom are teachers, started a grassroots effort called Stop the Madrassa to question this inchoate madrassa disguised as a neutral public school.

Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has written extensively about KGIA and other such schools now spreading across the country. Dr. William Donohue, a former professor and leader of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, contacted dozens of elected officials to express his concern.

On the opening day of school, Sept. 4, 2007, civil rights, religious and community leaders held a press conference on the steps of New York’s City Hall demanding answers from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Schools Chancellor, Joel Klein. From out of town came Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, and attorney Brian Rooney of the Thomas More Law Center. That day, Citizens for American Values in Public Education was born, created to fight the problem of radical Islamization in schools across the country.

Stop the Madrassa made a request of the Department of Education, under the Freedom of Information Act, as to the curriculum, teachers, lesson plans and textbooks of the school. Such a request is not unusual given that schools — for reasons of transparency and accreditation – must pre-publicize educational content prior to the school year. Indeed, many are wondering about the use of public money for an institution, such as this, with religious overtones. The response to these legitimate concerns is that those that are asking these questions must be “racists.”

For example, Mumia Abu-Jamal asserts: “Racist and right-wing groups and media outlets have demonized the school…” Councilmember Leticia James talks of “anti-Arab racism …” The New York Collective of Radical Educators, in its statement supporting KGIA, called on “New York City to continue to be a voice in the struggle against anti-Arab/anti-Islamic prejudice…” Even Brooklyn’s Borough President, Democrat Marty Markowitz, labeled inquiry into the school “disgraceful, xenophobic, and racist.”

The intent of calling “racist” those who question the school’s goals and legitimacy is, no doubt, to silence critics of the school’s agenda. This attempt to silence Americans is very similar to CAIR’s lawsuit that was brought by Muslim organizations against citizens on an airplane who alerted flight attendants of the fear they felt witnessing highly erratic conduct by six belligerent and provocative imams on a plane.

What should be every American’s right to self-defense, or the right to inform appropriate authorities of possible harm or danger, has now been characterized by a number of Muslim organizations as “criminal” and, somehow, a “violation of civil rights“ worthy of civil suit. Fortunately, House Republican Steve Pearce introduced the Protecting Americans Fighting Terrorism Act of 2007, protecting citizens from lawsuits when simply informing authorities of possible danger.

It appears that yet another strategy for silencing critics of radical Islam is emerging. It is alleging that critics of suspicious Muslim activities are guilty of “stalking,” “harassing,” or “assaulting.” This new mode of attack is, it seems, being hatched here in Brooklyn. Dhabah Almontaser, the school’s former principal, recently claimed that those non-Muslim community members who were critical of her stewardship at the school “stalked me wherever I went and verbally assaulted me with vicious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim comments.”

With her lawyer standing at her side at the press conference in which she made this claim, she sent a veiled threat of legal action against those who have criticized her. As usual, those merely critical of policies are being defamed as “anti-Muslim” and “viciously anti-Arab.” The fact is that, according to Citizens for American Values in Pubic Education and Stop the Madrassa, no one has followed Almontaser on the street or ever threatened her and there has been no personal harassment or stalking.

Ms. Almontaser knows this. Nonetheless, her hope, and the hope of her attorneys, is that concerned citizens in New York and elsewhere in the country will become intimidated by threats of prolonged and expensive lawsuits if they question alarming Muslim activity.

Almontaser resigned after a firestorm erupted regarding her support for some T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Intifada NYC” that were distributed by AWAAM, one of the organizations affiliated with her. When asked to separate herself from such obvious incitement to violence, she told the New York Post that the slogan merely referred to a “shaking off” and was a chance for young girls to express that they are “shaking off oppression.” What “oppression,” she did not say. The Post reports that the co-founders of AWAAM, the distributors of the T-shirt are “active in the more militant pro-Palestinian group, al-Awda, whose main U.S. office is in California,” and that AWAAM is an active supporter of Hezbollah and Hamas.

In an interview with Amnesty International in Europe in January 2002, Almontaser stated that “I have realized that U.S. foreign policy is racist; in the ‘war against terror’ people of color are the target.” Such attitudes about our country raise legitimate concerns as to whether such a person should be a school principal of children for which the tax system is paying.

Most Americans, except for die-hard liberals and leftists, are prepared to fight the terrorism that we call the “hard jihad.” The left, though, seems unwilling to fight the “soft jihad” assaulting our culture and way of life. Many Americans who in the past were proud of that unique American penchant for being outspoken and truthful are now being cowed into silence by being called a racist when they are trying to protect themselves and the institutions they admire and love from deliberate damage and obliteration.

Those New Yorkers opposed to this school and those alarmed that such schools may spread across the country are not backing down and apparently will not be intimidated by legal threats. Citizens for American Values president Stuart Kaufman states, “We will not be silenced through threats of lawsuits or being falsely called names such as ‘racists’ and ‘haters’ and ‘bigots’ or other efforts to silence American citizens exercising their right to freedom of speech.”

In addition to the cop-killer, radical imams, and anti-Americans associated with
the school, Stop the Madrassa is also up against the usual multiculturalists who are pushing Islamic schools — though they themselves are not Muslims — as a further means to radically transform our culture and diminish the concept of Americanism historically taught in our public schools. The liberal left is a witting collaborator in the soft jihad that has already arrived on our shores and is moving westward, one that wishes to incrementally carve out Islamic principalities, and brazen influence, in our midst.

Houston Textbooks with Islamist Agenda?

Thanks to Dhimmi Watch for this important update:

Seventh-grade textbook: three chapters on Islam, a paragraph each on other religions

Clearly a textbook with an agenda — but an agenda that far too few people even recognize as such.

“Too much time on teachings of Islam? Parents say seventh-grade textbook at Houston Elementary inappropriate,” by Amanda Dyer in the Lodi News-Sentinel (thanks to Pamela):

The parents of children at Houston Elementary School plan to complain to the school board about concerns they have with a seventh-grade history textbook, which they feel pays an undue amount of attention to the teachings of Islam.When Jim Self asked his son last week what he was learning in school, he was surprised to hear his 12-year-old boy say that he was learning about the Prophet Muhammad.

That night Jim Self and his wife, Korina, flipped through their son’s textbook, “History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyond,” and found at least three chapters dedicated to the Islamic faith, including an entire chapter dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad.

Since then, the couple has started a campaign to remove the textbook from their child’s classroom. The book is used in classrooms throughout the district.

“I don’t think we would have an issue about it if (it wasn’t so) in-depth,” said Jim Self, who fought in Iraq as a Marine from 2003 to 2004.

Among the Selfs’ concerns about the textbook is its definition of the word “jihad,” which is described in the book as “the human struggle to overcome difficulties and do things that would be pleasing to God.”

Other concerns stem from a passage on page 86 of the textbook, which quotes the angel Gabriel’s words to the Prophet Muhammad.

The Selfs said the textbook mentioned Jesus only twice, and other major religions were only given a paragraph of explanation.

One of the Selfs’ biggest concerns, though, is that such detailed explanation of Islam is a violation of the separation of church and state.