School for Scoundrels:more on the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va.

School for Scoundrels
Cal Thomas
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Despite a report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va., has continued to use textbooks that teach hatred of everyone not of their specific brand of faith, the U.S. State Department has yet to act to close down the school. Officials of the academy, which has about 1,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12, promised to excise passages in the textbooks that disparage Jews and Christians, but according to an examination by The Washington Post for the 2006-2007 school year, though “much of the controversial material had been removed, at least one book still contained passages that extolled jihad and martyrdom, called for victory over one’s enemies and said the killing of adulterers and apostates was ‘justified.'”

Once again, Islamic Saudi Academy officials have promised to clean up the text.

There are at least two questions that should be asked. One: are they telling us the truth this time? Probably not. Two: why do we allow such schools in our country when nothing close to a Christian, Jewish or even secular school would be permitted in Saudi Arabia, whose government specifically treats as contraband any religious text other than the Koran and prohibits even private worship of any God but Allah? (SNIP)

The Center for Islamic Pluralism (, a Web site that bills itself as a voice of moderate Islam, quotes David D. Aufhauser, a former Treasury Department general counsel, who told a Senate committee four years ago that estimates of Saudi spending on these schools worldwide are “north of $75 billion.” The Center says that the money financed construction of thousands of mosques, schools and Islamic centers, the employment of at least 9,000 proselytizers and the printing of millions of books of religious instruction. (SNIP)

The Center for Islamic Pluralism says Saudi Arabia has a “pervasive influence on Islamic education in the United States (that) has led to the development of a new breed of American: the jihadist.”


One would be hard-pressed to find a greater threat to public health, safety and welfare than this training ground for a new generation of jihadists. The State Department isn’t known for having a spine in such things. Does Fairfax County, or will it pretend it can take Saudi money without suffering consequences?

To Read entire article:

3 Responses to “School for Scoundrels:more on the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va.”

  1. Islam in America, Part Six: Education. By Kathy Shaidle | Vlad Tepes Says:

    […] as planned. This, in spite of outspoken opposition from everyone from local taxpayers to columnist Cal Thomas, who wrote boldly: “One would be hard-pressed to find a greater threat to public health, […]

  2. Islam in America Series: Part Six: K-12 Education - Right Side News Says:

    […] as planned. This, in spite of outspoken opposition from everyone from local taxpayers to columnist Cal Thomas, who wrote boldly: “One would be hard-pressed to find a greater threat to public health, […]

  3. Islam in America Series: Part VI: K-12 Education - Right Side News Says:

    […] as planned. This, in spite of outspoken opposition from everyone from local taxpayers to columnist Cal Thomas, who wrote boldly: “One would be hard-pressed to find a greater threat to public health, […]

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